Thursday, 24 January 2008

Ticking over

It's always gratifying to know that someone might be reading my witterings here - so when I'm asked, "Andrew, why haven't you written anything for your blog recently?" I think it must be time to do so. Of course, part of the reason I've not posted anything is that I've had very little to say. It's a slow period for Doctor Who at the moment. There's been a Christmas special, which I really enjoyed. Probably the best of the specials so far (although I do retain a bit of a soft spot for The Christmas Invasion) - but there was very little there to give rise to any serious continuity questions. It's pretty obvious where it fits!

There are a few interesting developments in the spin-off media however. I remember this time last year, we were getting lots of companion-less adventures in the comic strips, to fill the gap between Rose's departure and the start of the third series. This year, they seem to have gone for a more staggered approach. So whereas Doctor Who Adventures and Battles in Time are now running solo Doctor stories, DWM have retained Martha for the time being - as indeed have the next set of novels due in the Spring, and the new American comic book. So presumably, those will have to be slotted in to the course of the third series at some point. In fact, pretty soon, Martha will have had more adventures than Rose. There's a thought...

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